Friday, January 13, 2012

Beyonce, Fly: Flashy-Bottomed Bug Named After Singer

Beyonce flyGetty Images | AFP/Getty Images
Australian scientist have named a rare horse fly after none other than Beyonce. But what was it that encouraged the taxonomists to name the insect after the superstar? Apparently its unique, golden bottom reminded them of the 'Bootylicious' singer!

The Scaptia (Plinthina) beyonceae fly inhabits Australia's far north Queensland and was first collected by researchers in 1981, the year of Beyonce's birth. Bryan Lessard from Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) claimed that the bug's bright behind makes it one of the "all-time diva of flies." On the other hand, the fly is mostly considered a pest. That doesn't sound very diva-like to us.

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